Does THC Percentage Really Matter?

One of the most common misconceptions about marijuana is that a higher THC content means better quality buds and a stronger high. However, the truth is that the percentage of THC has nothing to do with the quality of the herb and is also a poor indicator of potency. THC doesn't work like many other psychoactive substances, and a higher level of THC does not necessarily lead to a higher level of intoxication. In reality, the THC content doesn't really matter when it comes to the effects of marijuana.

This poses a problem for people who suffer from paranoia and avoid strains that are high in THC or flowers that are high in THC. Ideally, it should be less than 10%, since there is no good research on concentrations higher than this for any medical condition and there is significant literature on the negative effects of high-potency THC. For example, King Louis and Sour Diesel are two varieties that are very similar in terms of THC content, but they couldn't be more different. With that in mind, it's smart to use a strain that contains as much THC as possible, since it gives you more THC and consumes less plant matter.

For example, limonene, a terpene common in citrus fruits, can counteract the effects of THC if it gets too high. Strains with a more balanced ratio of THC and CBD tend to have much milder psychoactive effects. THC binds effectively to both receptors, but some cannabinoids may change, reduce or interfere with the absorption of THC. Using the percentage of THC as the sole determinant of what constitutes a good herb is like using fat content as a basis for determining if something is nutritious or not.

In this case, a consumer can break the square of a 10 mg THC candy into quarters (2.5 mg pieces of THC) or even eighths (pieces of 1.25 mg THC) to microdose it. Using THC percentages as a price reference allows dispensaries to charge more for cannabis flowers and concentrates with a high THC content. Although THC and its synthetic variations have been used in multiple studies to measure the effects of this cannabinoid and obtain temporary relief, most results are mixed. The biggest difference between edibles and inhalation, from a chemical point of view, is that when THC is ingested orally, the liver metabolizes it and converts approximately 50% of activated THC to 11-hydroxytetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC or 11-hydroxy-THC). Cognitive impairment has effects like a cannabis strain with 15% THC, even though the 30% strain appears to be twice as strong. In conclusion, it's important to remember that the percentage of THC doesn't necessarily indicate quality or potency when it comes to marijuana.

While it's natural to assume that higher levels would lead to stronger effects, this isn't always true. It's best to use strains with lower levels of THC if you're prone to paranoia or anxiety.

Tasha Falsetti
Tasha Falsetti

Friend of animals everywhere. Hardcore food evangelist. Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Avid web scholar. Passionate twitter guru. Proud music geek.