What Does Pure THC Do to Your Body?

THC is a cannabinoid that activates the neurons responsible for pleasure, memory, and thinking. It differs from CBD in that it produces a feeling of euphoria and is illegal in many states. The potential health benefits of THC include controlling pain and helping people sleep. Our bodies have two types of cannabinoid receptors, and THC binds to these receptors, mainly in the brain, to control pain, mood, and other feelings. People use CBD oil for many reasons, including pain relief, depression, and reducing nausea caused by chemotherapy.

CBD oil can have several benefits, such as reducing pain and inflammation. Unlike marijuana, it does not have any psychoactive properties. A popular method of consumption is smoking or ingesting different forms of THC-rich resins (see Marijuana Extracts).Despite various reports on its effectiveness, only one THC-based drug has been approved by the FDA, while only one CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, has also obtained the seal of approval. Many states allow medical marijuana, which contains THC, for various uses, but it is still illegal under federal law.

A study on prenatal exposure to cannabis in rats found that rats exposed to THC showed a shorter latency at the first active pressure of heroin and had a greater search for heroin during mild stress and drug extinction than animals not exposed to THC. It should be noted that unlike THC, CBD does not have any psychoactive effects that many people may associate with the characteristic high of cannabis. In addition to psychiatric problems and doubts about its benefits for curing symptoms, the consumption of THC has also been linked to reduced motor skills. In addition, Marinol, a drug made from synthetic THC, is the only anti-THC drug currently approved by the FDA. CBD products are often mislabeled, and some products contain small amounts of THC despite claims that they do not contain THC. With the growing popularity of vaping devices, teens have started vaping THC (the ingredient in marijuana that produces euphoria), and nearly 4% of 12th graders say they vape THC daily. THC can be extracted from marijuana or synthesized as is the case with the FDA-approved drug dronabinol.

Ideally, it should be less than 10%, since there is no good research on concentrations higher than this for any medical condition and there is significant literature on the negative effects of high-potency THC. While it's normal for FDA-approved pharmaceutical products to actively change receptor processes in the body, THC and cannabis apparently work a little differently by taking advantage of natural processes. This includes cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), two natural compounds found in plants of the genus Cannabis.

Tasha Falsetti
Tasha Falsetti

Friend of animals everywhere. Hardcore food evangelist. Subtly charming twitter aficionado. Avid web scholar. Passionate twitter guru. Proud music geek.